User Guide

Godfather makes sure you stick to your word and complete the tasks that you want to get done. Be it your todos you’ve yet to do, your deadlines that you’ve promised to keep to or events that you have to attent, let the Capo, Vito Corleone know and he’ll make sure you don’t miss it.

Marlon Brando

Current Workflow Status

Here’s how someone might use The Godfather:

Interaction Gif


Seeking Help

Godfather helps you remember the syntax for various commands. It is no disrespect to forget the nitty-gritty details but finding out how to get it done is important.

help - get help on syntax

Calling help will return a generic help page, passing it a command word, help find, will give specific help.

Example of usage:


Expected Outcome:


Listing All Data

Godfather can give you all your remaining undone and done tasks in one go for you to see what you’ve promised to do.

list - list all tasks

Lists all remaining undone and done tasks that haven’t been deleted.

Example of usage:


Expected Outcome:


Exiting the Program

Helps you terminate the program safely.

bye - terminate the program

Simply exits the java application.

Example of usage:


Expected Outcome:

Program termination.

Creating TODOs

Todos help loosely keep track of what tasks need to be done in the future.

todo TASK_DESCRIPTION - create a todo task

Create a todo action by passing in a description for the task

Example of usage:

todo create todo

Expected Outcome:


Creating Deadlines

Deadlines help keep track of tasks that have to be done by a particular date and time.

deadline DEADLINE_DESCRIPTION /by DATE TIME - create a deadline task

Example of usage: deadline make an offer you can't refuse /by 2020/12/2 2359

  • Godfather can handle multiple date formats. Currently supported date formats:
    • d/M/yyyy e.g. 20/01/2020
    • yyyy/M/d e.g. 2020/01/20

    For the technically savvy, these formats are outlined in the enumeration class, and allows anyone to add other DateTimeFormats of their choice. Custom date formats can be used because of this easy extensibility.

  • Godfather currently accepts only HHmm as the time format e.g. 2359. Similar to Date formats, custom time formats may be added in the enumeration class.

Expected Outcome:


Creating Events

Events happen on a particular date and time


Example of usage:

event durian party /at Mon 2-4pm

Expected Outcome:


Completing your Tasks

Once you’re done with you task, you’d want to mark them as done.

done TASK_ID - mark the task as done

Marks the task as done whereby the task is displayed with a preceding ✓ symbol (for done) instead of ✘ symbol (for undone).

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected Outcome:


Finding your Tasks

Godfather can find your tasks for you as long as you know what you’re looking for.

find SEARCH_TERM - query for tasks matching a search term

Finds the tasks with descriptions that match the exact search term, case sensitive, that the user passes in.

Example of usage:

find fishes

Expected Outcome:


Deleting your Tasks

Godfather believes there’s no need to remember things that have no effect on us. Hence, tasks ought to be delete-able.

delete TASK_ID - deletes a specified task

Deletes a single task of that ID.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected Outcome:


Saving your Data

Godfather never fails to safely store your data. Your battery may die or you may spill coffee on your device, your data will still be safe.

How it Works


Coming Soon!



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